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Irish Papermoney Historical Timeline
Legal Tender Notes: C Series 1992-2001

Historical Timeline of Irish Paper Money
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Central Bank of Ireland Legal Tender Notes (C Series) 1992-2001 (Types 20-22)

Famous Irish Historical Figures

In the period 1992 to 1996 The Central Bank of Ireland replaced the Series B banknotes with a new Series C banknote design. The new design modernised the technology of the currency. The denominations were reduced in size from those of the previous series.

The first denomination to enter circulation was the Daniel O'Connell £20 note in 1992. The final denomination to be released was the Parnell £100 note in 1996.

On January 01 2002 the Irish Pound ceased to exist as a living currency. As a member currency of European Monetary Union, the EURO currency replaced the Irish Pound in circulation in Ireland on this date.

Ireland 5 Pounds C SeriesIreland 10 Pounds C SeriesIreland 20 Pounds C SeriesIreland 50 Pounds C Series
Central Bank of Ireland 5 PoundsCentral Bank of Ireland 10 PoundsCentral Bank of Ireland 20 PoundsCentral Bank of Ireland 50 Pounds
Central Bank of Ireland 100 Pounds ParnellCentral Bank of Ireland 100 Pounds

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