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Currency Commission Consolidated Bank Notes
Provincial Bank of Ireland. 1929-1940
Provincial Bank of Ireland Ploughman notes: Three Types by signature
Type 1P: Joseph Brennan. Hume Robertson. 1929.
Type 2P: Joseph Brennan. F. S. Forde. 1931-1936
Type 3P: Joseph Brennan. G. A. Kennedy. 1937-1940

Provincial Bank of Ireland One Pound Ploughman 1929, Robertson

Provincial Bank of Ireland One Pound 1936 Ploughman, Forde signature

Provincial Bank of Ireland One Pound 1939 Ploughman

Provincial Bank of Ireland Five Pounds Ploughman

Provincial Bank of Ireland Ploughman 5 Pounds 1931. Fforde

Provincial Bank of Ireland Ploughman 5 Pounds 1939. Kennedy

Provincial Bank of Ireland Ploughman Ten Pounds 6.5.29. Robertson

Provincial Bank of Ireland Ploughman Ten Pounds 1931. Fforde

Provincial Bank of Ireland Ploughman 10 Pounds 1939. Kennedy signature
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Design of Consolidated Bank Notes
1 Pound - 5 Pounds - 10 Pounds - 20 Pounds - 50 Pounds - 100 Pounds