The partnership of Eyre Evans, Jonathan Bruce and William Roberts was registered on 9 September 1803 in Charlieville, Co. Cork.
It is believed that George Evans Bruce (1782-1868) took over as lead partner in 1806 although some sources [1. O'Kelly, 1959] claim that Bruce had established his own 'Charlieville' Bank and that the two banks operated independently in Charlieville (Eyre Evans & Co. and George Evans Bruce & Co.) for a time before eventually merging.
George Evans Bruce also set up a bank in Limerick at 6 Rutland Street in 1805 which became known as Bruce’s Bank. However, the partners were not the same as the Charlieville Bank so the Limerick Bank should probably be considered as an allied sister bank rather than a second branch of the Charlieville Bank. The two banks were modest in size, with Charlieville being the larger operation.
When Maunsell’s Bank of Limerick failed on 27 May 1820, there was a run on Bruce’s bank in Limerick, which closed at midday on 29th May. The Charlieville bank closed on the same day. After the sale of some property, all of the debts of both of Bruce’s banks were paid off. The Charlieville bank obtained a loan from the Bank of Ireland, secured on property, to facilitate the rapid settlement of debts.
The relationship between the different banks and partnerships is summarised below. Those partnerships reported to have issued notes are highlighted in green.
It is hoped that further banknotes will come to light which will provide more insight into the partnerships of these banks. There are reports of 1 Guinea and 1 Guinea & Half notes issued by Bruce's Bank, Limerick. However, no images are available to confirm this.
Nothing is known about the notes issued by Bruce's Charlieville Bank except the information learned from the two notes which have been recorded.
One Series of notes seen for George Evans Bruce & Co.
There is one Series of banknotes known by design, and three Types by partnership.
Series 1. 1806. Denominations recorded: One Guinea, One Guinea and Half.
Three Types by partnership.
Type A. ca1803-1805. Eyre Evans, Jonathan Bruce, William Roberts.
Type B. ca1806-1810. George Evans Bruce, Jonathan Bruce, George Bruce.
Type C. ca1811-1820. George Evans Bruce, Jonathan Bruce.
Series 1. Type B
Charlieville Bank, George Evans Bruce & Co., One Guinea and Half, One Pound, Fourteen Shillings & Three Half Pence, 10th Oct. 1806
1. O’Kelly, E. (1959). The Old Private Banks and Bankers of Munster. Cork: Cork University Press, p. 115.