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Main Site Map < Old Banknotes < Belfast Bank <
Series A 1827 > Series B 1851

Belfast Banking Company
Series A 1827

Belfast Banking Company individual branch issues

No issued notes have been recorded of Series A. Proof notes with Belfast on the bottom border have been seen, as have proofs with no branch listed on the bottom.

First Series. 1827-1845, Single Branch Issue

Large size banknotes. Head Office Belfast. Available data suggests that all Series A notes were printed on both sides.

Two Types by design variation

A. 1827. Initial design. Bank title Belfast Banking Company

Pattern in each of the four corners of the banknotes.

B. 1828. Design changes

Type B1. Pattern replaced by the denomination in each of the four corners of the banknotes.
Type B2. “Ent’d” on bottom border of each note, with denomination in the four corners.

Type B
belfast bank one pound proof 1827 Version 3.0.4 Copyright ©2000 - 2025, M Mac Devitt.