Series C introduced a new more robust design, with an ornate surrounding border on denominations up to £10. Denominations up to £50 have been recorded. Other denominations of this Series likely existed. Currently no data is available on them.
Banknote size varies slightly by denomination and Type. Uniface. All notes were hand signed Head Office DUBLIN.
Watermark: up to ca1819, elaborate design covering most of the area of each banknote. Ca1820 onwards, simpler watermark featuring bank’s name only.
Most surviving banknotes in private hands are contemporary forgeries, which are themselves generally scarce. Some later banknotes appear with one or two branches listed on them in addition to Dublin. This is equivalent to the single branch issues of other banks, payable at the head office in Dublin as well as at the issuing branch.
A partial proof of a Type 1 Bank of Ireland £1 note, 1815-1823
There are five Types for Series C banknotes based on variations in the design of the notes. These Types divide into several distinct variations, as listed below. Notes denominated in Guineas notes and in Pounds were issued with similar designs.
'No.' plus five digit serial number.
All banknotes 'payable to Nathl Low or bearer.' Denominations recorded: 1 Guinea, £1, 30 Shillings, £2, £5, £10.
Type A2. Design modified on 1 Guinea notes, 1819; and on £5 notes, 1821.
One Hibernia on each side of every banknote. All banknotes payable to 'the bearer on demand in Dublin'. This is the first appearance of Dublin on the notes.
Bank’s name in Gothic Typeface on bottom of notes. No serial prefix letters, 6 digit number.
Denominations recorded: £1, 30 Shillings, £5, £10, £20, £50.
Value stated in 'Pounds British' on each banknote reflecting the abolition of the Irish Pound and the creation of a parity link with the British Pound in January 1826.
Centre of banknotes redesigned to accommodate space for 'Dublin' in the middle in larger lettering, with a space for the addition of branch names on either side of Dublin.
Denominations recorded: £1, 30 Shillings, £5, £50.
Type C1. 1 Branch listed on some notes in addition to Dublin. Various branches.
Type C2. 2 Branches listed in addition to Dublin.
Prefix of letter over letter plus five digit number.
Denominations recorded: £1, 30 Shillings, £5, £50.
Design slightly modified with the addition of a shaded background strip under the date and serial numbers. Branches added on some banknotes.
Denomination in large letters on bottom of each banknote.
Type D1. 1 Branch listed on some notes in addition to Dublin. Various branches.
All other design features are similar to Type D.
Denominations recorded: £1, 30 Shillings.
Type E1. 1 Branch listed on some notes in addition to Dublin. Various branches.
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type D
Type E